About Gemstones

Known as valuable stone, a gemstone (ratna) is a cut-to-polished mineral crystal. It astrologically benefits people with regard to a powerful Astrological Solution about planetary weakness and various obstacles in order to bring a great deal of prosperity in their lives.
Underneath the earth is found an abundance of Original Natural Gemstone. They are created in forms noted as opals, agates, and amethysts. Generally speaking, the formation of gemstones is a process that happens after the reaction of these minerals with water and some other processes. These stones are hard and soft.In jewelry-making, the process involves the application of soft minerals.

In astrology, gemstones are respected for supreme energy force that they contain. Such force is considered transcendental. Therefore, wearer of a gemstone, or a Locket made of a certified gemstone, can transform them positively, in terms of materialistic and spiritual growth.

Energized gemstones are powerful precious stones containing benefits associated with uplifting your soul in a spiritual context and solving a variety of problems faced by you on financial end or from career etc. Listed here are some of the most powerful gemstones. Associated with each is its importance to help you understand which type of gemstone could be useful for you to astrologically ease out your situations in a positive way.


Ruby represents the sun, and is one of the most durable and hardest of gems, second only to diamonds . Some say that wearing rubies will help in realising one’s wishes, and it is believed to enhance the sexual appeal of wearer. In Sanskrit, rubies are referred to as Ratna Raja, and Ratna Nayaka, meaning King of Gems, and Leader of Gems respectively. One who wears ruby is believed to be blessed with good health, prestige and position. Astrologists suggest that the appropriate time to wear rubies is on a Sunday, within an hour of sunrise.


According to Hindu scriptures, Krishna discovered pearl, which is known as the queen of gems. Pearl represents moon, and it is assumed that it was the first ever gem to be admired and appreciated by humankind for its stunning beauty and rarity. Believed to heal health problems related to abdomen, eye, and intellect, and to boost self confidence in the wearer, pearls bring an atmosphere of warmth at home and work. It is recommended to start wearing your pearl on a Monday, within an hour of sunrise.


Coral represents mars, and has a prestigious place among the navaratnas. Usually, people wear corals with an intention of long lasting married life and to gain more energy. Believed to heal blood related ailments, and to protect the wearer from lightning and road accidents, corals are commonly found in red. Astrologists recommend that the best time to start wearing coral is on a Tuesday, within an hour after sunrise.


One of the most favoured of gems, emerald represents Mercury. Adorning emerald is believed to help in education related matters, in healing diseases related to the nervous system, and in enhancing the intelligence quotient and creativity in a person. Astrologists often suggest wearing emerald to help recover from ailments related to liver, intestines, and the brain. It is also a recommended gem for those engaged in communication and banking sectors. It is suggested that the best time to start wearing emerald is on a Wednesday within an hour of sunrise.


Diamonds represent Venus, and have always been associated with purity. The famed Koh-i-Noor (Mountain of light) diamond was mined from Golconda in India and was once the largest known diamond in the world. A symbol of status, diamonds accentuate the beauty of a person, and is considered best for improving prospects for marriage, and everlasting married life. Worn by many as a lucky charm, diamond is believed to increase longevity of the wearer. Generally recommended for artists, dancers, singers and actors, astrologists suggest start wearing diamonds on a Friday, within an hour of sunrise.


Yellow sapphires represent Jupiter. The gem that was previously known as the Oriental topaz, is entirely colourless, and was found in Sri Lanka. It is believed that the wearer of Yellow Sapphire will be blessed with children, administrative powers, wealth, and protection from hurdles and dangers during long journeys. Within an hour after sunrise, is considered to be the auspicious time to start wearing an emerald studded jewellery.


Blue sapphire represent Saturn, and has been associated with celestial forces. Kashmir is considered as a rich source of sapphire, and is considered a symbol of peace and faithfulness in love. The hardness of blue sapphires are similar to rubies, second in hardness only to diamonds.Believed to heal rheumatism and lung diseases, blue sapphires are used mostly to attain wealth in a short time. The recommended time to wear blue sapphires are on a Saturday, within an hour of sunrise on your middle finger


Hessonite represent Rahu, and the best ones are found in Sri Lanka. They have a dramatic appearance, with swirls of inclusions. A semi-precious gemstone, hessonite is called as “cinnamon stones” in Madagascar. Considered a symbol of wealth, health and happiness, it is great to be worn by people suffering from illnesses related to intestine, skin disorders, piles, and sinus infections. Hessonite is believed to improve the chances of getting employed abroad. The recommended time to start wearing a Hessonite is on a Saturday within an hour of sunrise.


Cat’s eye, or Vaidooryam represents Ketu. Commonly found in Russia, the light golden brown variation of the stone is considered to be the most highly prized. Believed to heal urinary disorders and allergies, cat’s eye is considered to have the power to boost the energy of the wearer. It is also believed to prevent abortions, miscarriages and other prenatal complications. Cat’s eye is often used to ward off evil eyes, nightmares or threats from inferior spirit. The recommended time to start wearing a Cat’s eye is on a Tuesday, within an hour of sunrise.


There are numerous myths and legends associated with gemstones. Some tell of cursed stones; Navaratnas represent the nine planets, and can be adorned by everyone. Arranged in a specific order and pattern, navaratna is believed to strengthen the influence of all the nine planets that control one’s life. Astrologists suggest that navaratna is the only recommended choice of gemstones for those who are unaware about the exact time of their birth or other birth details. Navaratnas can also be adorned by people having weaker planetary influence. Suitable to wear throughout one’s lifetime, it is recommended to start wearing it on a Sunday within an hour of sunrise.