Marriage & Children


Marriage & Children

From calculating sun sign compatibility to searching for a soulmate, astrology has always played a pivotal role in love, marriage, and relationships. Kundali matching, horoscope matching, and moon sign compatibility are all popular ways to find out if your partner and you make a great couple or not! Love marriage astrology and Arrange marriage astrology are two most important aspects when one compares his/her match.

For parents, this point becomes more important if the process of childbirth is experiencing some hurdles or difficulties These difficulties in childbirth may happen if your lord planet is not in a good position as predicted by marriage astrology based on the date of birth. It is the fifth house that impacts the process of childbirth, etc. For predicting child prediction by date of birth, fifth and ninth houses or their lords of the horoscope are analyzed. The ascendant, navamsa and saptamsa divisional charts are considered and both fifth and ninth houses are observed for the birth of the child.

But in case of problems in childbirth or problems during the pregnancy period, the horoscopes of the husband & wife are analyzed. Generally, this process is known as matchmaking that is done before the couple intends to marry, to know the future of their married life especially the Vedic Astrology child birth prediction for them that are considered extremely important. The mothers generally pose this question frequently, when will I get pregnant by date of birth?!’ but the answer can never be opted or accounted for.

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VIVAAN ASTRO WORLD is the rising star in the in the field of Vedic Astrology and Vastu Shastra. We are known for our contribution in the field of Vedic astrology and Vastu Shastra for the last 33 years of resolving all the issues related to Business Career, Love Marriage, Health, Finance and other related issue.It is the astrologer who can guide according to the horoscope of the individual. They can encourage us and help us to find different methods to cope up with all the hurdles of life. They have knowledge of all the other segments of the Astrology as well, like Numerology, Palmistry and Vastu shastra.

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