Certified Course / PALMISTRY

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What Is Palmistry

Palm reading originated from ancient Asia, and is now popular and fashionable worldwide as a way of seeing a person’s fate and personality by reading the lines, shapes, and colors of a person’s palms (and fingers).

It is believed that the right hand — the dominant hand for most people — represents now and the future, and thus can be changed with time and experience, while the left hand represents the past and traits the person was born together with. Thus, it is more meaningful to take the right hand as priority in palm reading, though both hands for most people are symmetrical (with subtle differences).

1. The Love Line — the Longer the Better

The love line is the line stretching across the hand directly under the fingers. The love line reflects feelings, reactions, and emotional control in the area of love. The longer and straighter it is the better.

If the love line is short and straight, he/she has little interest in expressing love or romance.

If the love line is long, he/she will probably be a good lover — sweet, understanding, and romantic.

2. The Career Line (Fate Line)

The career line or fate line is the line that stretches from the wrist to the middle finger. It reflects one’s fortune and career.

3. The Life Line — the Longer the Better

The life line is the line that extends around the thumb. It is usually in an arc. The length of the life line has no relationship with how long one could live. It reflects one’s health and physical vitality.

4. The Wisdom Line — the Clearer and Longer, the Better

The wisdom line usually starts between the index finger and thumb (below the love line) and then stretches to the other side of the palm. It usually looks like it’s dividing the palm in halves and reflects a person’s mentality and personality.

5. The Marriage Line

The marriage line is a short line above the love line starting immediately under the little finger. It reflects one’s romantic relationships and marriage.

Some people have only one line in this place while some have several lines. The number of lines doesn’t mean anything. Just read the clearest one.


It is believed that the right hand — the dominant hand for most people — represents now and the future, and thus can be changed with time and experience, while the left hand represents the past and traits the person was born together with.

Certified Courses

  • Main Course
  • Work Shop

Course Fees:

Course Duration Indian Students NRI Students
Main Course 1 Months Rs. 30,000/- $ 600 (USD)
Work Shop 1 Months Rs. 15,000/- $ 250 (USD)

Why Choose Us

VIVAAN ASTRO WORLD is the rising star in the in the field of Vedic Astrology and Vastu Shastra. We are known for our contribution in the field of Vedic astrology and Vastu Shastra for the last 33 years of resolving all the issues related to Business Career, Love Marriage, Health, Finance and other related issue.It is the astrologer who can guide according to the horoscope of the individual. They can encourage us and help us to find different methods to cope up with all the hurdles of life. They have knowledge of all the other segments of the Astrology as well, like Numerology, Palmistry and Vastu shastra.

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