Certified Course / TAROT CARD

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Tarot Meanings And How To View Them

Tarot cards are a form of divination, which literally means working with the divine, or your higher self, which is the ultimate purpose of tarot cards, just like yoga. We’ve broken down everything you need to know about them, from types of decks to what each card represents.

The process is known as synchronicity, a term coined by psychologists to describe the temporally coincident occurrence of events. In synchronicity, there is no distinction between inner and outer. The choice of a card is exactly what your higher self already knows. This is what tarot occultists call the conversation with your higher self. The cards always work. It’s not magic—tarot cards are a sacred mirror.

about this card

The first card of the Major Arcana, the fool represents the beginning of a journey, childlike wonder, risk, and potential.

The Fool

about this card

Represents manifesting, healing, spirituality, and a connection to the divine.

The Magician

about this card

Represents the divine feminine, human wisdom, studying nature and spiritual mystery, and one’s inner world.

The High Priestess

about this card

Represents nature, the Great Mother, fertility, and regarded as a channel for the High Priestess on Earth.

The Empress

about this card

Represents leadership, influence, stability, and potential for mastery.

The Emperor

about this card

Represents practical lessons related to natural law, study, and mastering one’s chosen area of expertise in this life.

The Hierophant

about this card

Represents difficult decisions or changes to come with regard to relationship, compromise, and growth in a relationship.

The Lovers

about this card

Represents empowerment, achievement, overcoming obstacles, and triumph.

The Chariot

about this card

Represents ego versus intuition, and a need for discipline and refinement of self-interest to achieve harmony with the inner self.


about this card

Represents introspection, contemplation, inner reflection, and the benefit of time spent alone.

The Hermit

about this card

Represents imminent and often positive change, and the inevitable seasons and cycles of life.

The Wheel of Fortune

about this card

Represents fairness, moral sensitivity, karma, and attention to detail.


about this card

Represents consequence, surrender, stagnation, and a situation that must be waited out.

The Hanged Man

about this card

Represents endings, harvesting, freeing oneself, and moving forward. (Not to be seen as a death prophecy.)


about this card

Represents moderation and balance, self-evolution, and avoiding extremes.


about this card

Represents the shadow self, material and worldly pleasure, unhealthy relationships, and entrapment.

The Devil

about this card

Represents imminent or present danger, upheaval, and unexpected change.

The Tower

about this card

Represents spiritually and purpose, connecting to the divine, transcendence, and inspiration.

The Star

about this card

Represents illusion and impressionability, deception, confusion, and strife.

The Moon

about this card

Represents vitality, joy, good fortune, confidence, and authenticity. It is one of two (along with The World) with no reverse or negative meanings.

The Sun

about this card

Represents resurrection, awakening, freedom from inner conflict, and decisions to be made.


about this card

Represents an end to a cycle, major change, and self-actualization. It has no reverse or negative meanings.

The World


The choice of a card is exactly what your higher self already knows. This is what tarot occultists call the conversation with your higher self. The cards always work. It’s not magic—tarot cards are a sacred mirror.

Certified Courses

  • Main Course
  • Work Shop

Course Fees:

Course Duration Indian Students NRI Students
Main Course 1 Months Rs. 30,000/- $ 600 (USD)
Work Shop 1 Months Rs. 15,000/- $ 250 (USD)

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