Certified Course / VASTU SHASTRA


Vastu Shastra

Vastu Vidya is the sacred holistic science pertaining to designing and building of houses, offices and other commercial properties. The principles of vastu have been derived from Sthapathya Veda- one of the ancient sacred books in Hinduism

Certified Courses

  • Main Course
  • Work Shop

Course Fees:

Course Duration Indian Students NRI Students
Main Course 1 Months Rs. 30,000/- $ 600 (USD)
Work Shop 1 Months Rs. 15,000/- $ 250 (USD)

Why Choose Us

 is the rising star in the in the field of Vedic Astrology and Vastu Shastra. We are known for our contribution in the field of Vedic astrology and Vastu Shastra for the last 33 years of resolving all the issues related to Business Career, Love Marriage, Health, Finance and other related issue.It is the astrologer who can guide according to the horoscope of the individual. They can encourage us and help us to find different methods to cope up with all the hurdles of life. They have knowledge of all the other segments of the Astrology as well, like Numerology, Palmistry and Vastu shastra.

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